Research shows us that gut bacteria interact with our brains – and hearts. These microbes interact with brain regions that process emotions, such as anxiety and depression. The brain circuitry affects cardiovascular issues such as blood pressure.
Our metabolism, our nerves and our body’s physiology interact with the bacteria in our bodies.
Microbes influence the gut and brain by circulating chemical messages via molecules in the blood.
Microbes interact with the gut’s enteric nervous system. This system has a two-way connection with the Mind through the central nervous system.
The body responds to gut microbes. The gut’s wall immune system and the body’s other immune components affect the brain and organs.
A majority of the body’s serotonin comes from the gut wall. Serotonin and dopamine are neurotransmitter molecules that steer mood and behaviour in brain circuits.
The brain links directly with gut bacteria. They communicate with nerves in the gut—the bacterial messages prompt responses from the body’s immune system.
Your brain, your gut, and your immune system interact. The three-step pathway controls much of your physiology, whether blood pressure, metabolism or mood.”
There is no ‘silver bullet’ probiotic or antibiotic. Look for a high population and various bacteria in a probiotic. The best way for good bacteria to override harmful bacteria is to exercise and eat a diet with the appropriate dietary fibre, low sugar and unsaturated fat, which will encourage the growth of those particular species of bacteria.
Fecal transplants implant healthy bacteria into your colon. It restores your Gut’s healthy microbiome balance. Your immune system increases and helps you resist infection and recover quicker. It may also help your body fight “Clostridium difficile” (bacterial infection).
Doctors have begun to test fecal transplants on people who have:
Ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn’s disease, Cirrhosis, Multiple sclerosis, Depression, Obesity, Food allergies, Diabetes and diabetic neuropathy.
The gut microbiome is unique to everyone, and the effects of probiotics, diet, and fecal transplant may vary depending on a person’s health status and underlying conditions. It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before changing your diet or seeking medical treatments.
Remember: Listen to your Gut; it controls your Mind.

Renew Actives Double Strength Probiotic
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